& Historical Perspectives
SDA Theological Seminary
Nancy Vyhmeister, editor
Copyright 1998 Andrews University Press
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1700
all rights reserved
ISBN 1-883915-22-3
Library of Congress Catalogue Number 98-87693
Excerpts reproduced here by permission
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Women in Ministry was produced by the 15 member Ad hoc
Committee on
Hermeneutics and Ordination of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary at Andrews University and other authors selected by that
committee. It provides thoughtful and studied answers to many
questions, not only regarding women as ordained gospel ministers, but also
those concerning the nature of ministry and ordination in general.
It explores not only scripture, but church teaching and practice,
especially that of its own Seventh-day Adventist denomination.
Questions addressed include:
Why ordain elders and pastors?
What does the Bible teach about priesthood and ministry?
Does Paul really prohibit women from speaking in church?
What does Ellen White say about ordination?
What role did women play in ministry in the New Testament?
How is ordination related to ministry?
How does your culture influence the way you understand the Bible.
Does the Bible forbid the ordination of women?
What does the Bible teach about "headship"?
How did Ellen White relate to the Women's Rights Movement?
Who were some of the nineteenth-century Adventist women in ministry
and what did they do?
We are reproducing online the introductory, conclusion and
survey sections of the book, as well as three complete chapters. The
chapter titles themselves give an idea of the broad scope of the
book. Click the starred items to read on-line, then go to Order
Information to purchase the book.
- *Raoul Dederen, "The Priesthood of All
- Jacques B. Doukhan, "Women Priests in
Israel: A Case for Their Absence"
- Robert M. Johnston, "Shapes of Ministry
in the New Testament and Early Church"
- Keith Mattingly, "Laying on of Hands in
Ordination: A Biblical Study"
- Daniel A. Augsburger, "Clerical
Authority and Ordination in the Early Christian Church"
- George R. Knight, "Early Seventh-day
Adventists and Ordination, 1844-1863"
- J. H. Denis Fortin, "Ordination in the
Writings of Ellen G. White"
- Russell L. Staples, "A Theological
Understanding of Ordination"
- *Richard M. Davidson, "Headship,
Submission, and Equality in Scripture"
- Peter M. van Bemmelen, "Equality,
Headship, and Submission in the Writings of Ellen G. White"
- W. Larry Richards, "How Does a Woman
Prophesy and Keep Silence at the Same Time? (1 Corinthians 11 and
- Nancy Jean Vyhmeister, "Proper Church
Behavior in 1 Timothy 2:8-15"
- Alicia A. Worley, "Ellen White and
Women's Rights"
- Walter B. T. Douglas, "The Distance and
the Difference: Reflections on Issues of Slavery and Women's Ordination in
- Roger L. Dudley, "The Ordination of
Women in Light of the Character of God"
- Jon L. Dybdahl, "Culture and Biblical
Understanding in a World Church"