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Jesus Christ in 
the Heavenly 





Edward Heppenstall


Edward Heppenstall has devoted his life to the study of the Scripture and to sharing with others what he has learned. Using pulpit, podium, and press, he has consistently witnessed to the centrality of Christ in all the Bible. Born in England,  most of his ministry has been in the United States and in the classroom—as professor of theology at La Sierra College, chairman of the department of systematic theology in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and professor of theology at Loma Linda University. 


Church thinkers, teachers, and students have long considered the doctrine of Christ’s priestly ministry basic to the Christian faith. The author sees this Bible truth, with Christ, the one Mediator between God and man, as central to salvation history, from the inception of sin to its final eradication.

This book deals more specifically with Christ’s ministry, beginning with His incarnation, showing its significance in relation to the developing controversy be­tween sin and righteousness, and leading to the final vindication of God and His people.

The author interprets Christ’s ministry as the guiding and controlling factor in the divine work of redemption and judgment, and seeks a comprehensive understanding of the living Christ as a basis for the mission of the remnant church. He is convinced that only as the church understands and relates herself to the living Christ can she proclaim the final message for our day and generation. He seeks to present the subject in such a way that the reader will experience an encounter with the living Christ, man’s one High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary.



  1. An Essential Bible Truth

  2. Meaning of Atonement

  3. Christ Our Sacrifice

  4. Christ Our High Priest

  5. Day of Atonement

  6. The Pre-Advent Judgment

  7. Judgment According to Works

  8. The Seventy Weeks

  9. Then Shall the Sanctuary Emerge Victorious

  10. The Hour of God's Judgment

  11. Christ's Second Coming

  12. The Remnant Church of God

To my students in theology, among whom much of the inspiration for this book was received.

Copyright 1972 by the  Review and Herald Publishing Association  Washington, DC 20012
Library of Congress
Catalog Card No. 73-91425
Editor: Raymond H. Woolsey

Texts in this book credited to N.E.B. are from The New English Bible. © The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press 1970. Reprinted by permission.