Spiritual Discernment

"One of the challenges facing Adventist Christians today is that of working through the maze of new trends and happenings that vie for our attention both in and outside of the church. It is our strong conviction . . . that not all these trends are helpful or Biblical. The Lord and apostles warned that false teachers would appear from within who would promote a different gospel. The need for discernment that is open to the movement of the Spirit and loyal to the Word of God is essential." -- Robert Steed

Robert Steed: Discernment Web Site

This web site includes conference information, articles and papers, as well as links to other sites which focus on issues in discernment.

Conference Articles

Robert Steed: Resource list

Recommended books and other materials relating to Spiritual discernment.

We welcome scholarly papers, thoughtful essays, and personal experience narratives that reflect this spirit of dialog . Please mention the specific At Issue section to which you are responding in the body of your message when you contact Bille Burdick in this regard.

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