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Seventh-day Adventists Believe. . .



Subject Index



Adoption, 123, 124, 129, 130
Adultery, and fornication, 300, 301
Advent, See Coming, Second
Advent movement, 163, 324, 325, 343, 344
          mission of, 163-168
Agape (love), 209, 210, 299. See also God, love of
Air, fresh, blessing of, 281
Alcohol, beverage, 281, 282, 290 ns. 11-13
Angels, 99, 100
Apostasy, Christian, development and career of, 154-157, 260
Assurance, 114, 115, 123, 124, 199, 326, 335
Atonement, Day of, 317-319, 327, 329 ns. 29-30, 365, 366
Atonement, 51, 94, 110, 200, 202, 203, 242, 315, 365
Azazel (scapegoat), 318, 328 n. 21, 365, 366 


Baptism, doctrinal teaching on, 180-192
          entrance to church, 144, 187-189
          for the dead, 191 n. 21
          fruit of, 189-190
          importance of, 181-183
          infant, not a NT teaching, 188, 189
          meaning of, 184-187
          mode of, 183, 184
          qualifications for, 187-189
          rebaptism, question of, 190 n. 6
Behavior, Christian, doctrinal statement on, 278-292
          health and, 281-287
          principles of, governing, 287-289
          requirements and guidelines for, 289   
          salvation, relationship to, 279, 280
Bible, See Scriptures, Holy


Caffeine, 281, 290 n. 9
Calvary, 7, 17, 24, 25, 42, 53, 55, 62, 72, 77, 92, 93, 138,
          145, 153, 176-178, 199, 201, 243, 244, 264, 319, 325
Card playing, 284
Charts, prophetic,
          70 weeks, 41
          2300 Days, 323
          comparative, of Daniel, 347
          millennium, 364
Children, training of, 305-307
Christ, See Jesus Christ; God the Son
Christian Behavior, See Behavior, Christian
Church, doctrinal statement on, 134-150
          Biblical meaning of, 136
          discipline by, 148, 149
          functions of, 144, 145     
          governance of, 145-149
          head of, 145, 146, 190
          membership in, 143, 144
          metaphorical descriptions of, 138-142
          mission of, 137-145, 174, 175, 208-211
          organization of, 142-145
          priesthood of believers, 143
          relationship to political states, 143, 144, 167
          roots of, 136-138
          unity of, 170-179
          visible/invisible nature of, defined, 142
Clergy, role of, 211
Coffee, 281, 290 n. 9
Coming, Second, doctrinal statement on, 332-346
          certainty of, 334, 335
          effects of, on humanity, 338, 339, 364, 365
          manner of, 335-338
          preparedness for, 344, 345
          signs of, 163, 339-344
Commandments, the Ten, doctrinal statement on, 232-248
          historic confessions on, 247 n. 15


Commandments, the Ten (continued)
          known before Sinai, 239, 240, 247 n. 16
          nature of, 234-236
                    divine, 8
                    positive dimensions of, 235
          obedience to, 245, 246
                    blessing of, 246
                    Christ's example, 245-246
          perpetuity of, 239-241
          purposes of, 237-239
          relationship of, to Gospel, 241-244
                    to ceremonial law, 240, 242-244
          Sabbath, seal of, 251, 252
          standard of judgment, 237-241
Commandments of God, the, 162
Communion, See Supper, Lord's
Condiments, 286, 292 n. 29
Confession, 120, 188, 199, 320
Conscience, 237
Controversy, the great, doctrinal statement on, 98-105
          ended, 383
          issue, central, 101-104
          origin of, 99-101
          relationship of Christ to, 103, 104
          significance of, 104, 105
Conversion, 188, 189, 238
Cosmetics, 287, 292 n. 33
          of grace, 93-96 n. 11, 100, 101, 185, 186, 201, 242, 252
          before Creation, 93
          Christ, surety of, 94, 101
          in OT, 30
          new, 54, 76, 94, 96 n. 11, 140, 186, 189, 199, 201, 304, 320, 323
                    ratification of, 94, 95
          old, 76, 96 n. 11, 199, 201
Creation, doctrinal statement on, 68-77
           Biblical account of, 69-71
           Creator of, characteristics of, 72
                    God the Son, active agent in, 29, 30, 43, 72
          days of, length, 71
          fiat, by, 70
          new, 76, 91
          of man, 79, 80, 296
          purpose and significance of, 72-75
          spiritual re-creation, parallel to, 75-77
          Ten Commandments and, 71
Cross, Significance of, See Calvary 


Dancing, 284, 291 n. 18
Death, and resurrection, doctrinal statement on, 348-360
          conditional immortality, 350, 358 n. 2
          first, and second, 114, 356, 364, 370-372
          immortality, relation to, 349-351
          nature and place of, 351-356
          result of sin, 88, 89
          sleep of, 352
          texts, explanation of some, 359, 360 n. 7
Decalogue, See Commandments, the Ten
Diakonos (servant/deacon), 148
Diet, blessing of, 284-286
          changes in, should be progressive, 285, 286
          clean/unclean flesh foods, 285, 291 n. 27
          original, 284, 285
Divine nature, partakers of, 125
Divorce, 302, 303
Dress, Christian, blessing of, 286, 287
Drugs, 281, 282, 291 n. 14


Earth, new, doctrinal statement on, 374-383
          evil eradicated, 380
          homes in, 377
          marriage in, 375, 376
          nature of, 375, 376
          physical life in, 378
          reveals God's character, 382
          social life in, 378, 379
          spiritual pursuits in, 380
          See also Millennium


Elder-bishop, 146-148
Eucharist, See Supper, Lord's
Evil, See Sin
Evolution, 91-93, 165
Exercise, blessing of, 281, 289 n. 8
Expiation, 111, 112


Faith, of Jesus, 162
Faith, relationship to works, 101, 116, 121, 122
Fall, of man, 46, 47, 50, 77, 87-94, 100
Family, the, 303-308
          children, 305-307
          extended, 307, 308
          father, 303, 304
          mother, 304, 305
Father, head and priest of household, 303, 304
Flesh foods, 284, 285
          clean and unclean, 285, 291 n. 27
Foot washing, ordinance of, 196-198
Foreknowledge, God's, and human freedom, 22
Forgiveness, 31, 38, 39, 89, 95, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 120,
          124, 129, 185, 197, 316, 317, 320, 322
Fornication, and adultery, 300, 301 

Gambling, 284
Gifts, spiritual, doctrinal statement on, 206-214
          Giver of, 65
          implications of, for the church, 211-213
          purpose of, 208-211
          body model, 208, 209
          recognition of, 212, 213, 213 n. 1
          See also Prophecy, gift of
Glorification, 125, 129-131
God, image of, 77, 85, 124-126, 296
          character of, 10, 325
          love of, 25, 34, 37, 66, 72, 73, 87, 94, 95, 108, 109, 113, 325
          glory of, 73, 77, 144, 210, 288
          judgment of, 111, 113, 325
          justice of, 108, 111
          mercy of, 111
          righteousness of, 111, 116
          wrath of, 109, 111, 116, 167, 334
          See also Godhead
God the Father, doctrinal statement on, 28-35
          attributes of, 29-32, 33-35
          NT views of, 32-35
          OT views of, 29-32
          role of, in judgment, 29
God, the Holy Spirit, doctrinal statement on, 58-66
          baptism of, 63, 65, 187, 207, 213
                    for witnessing, 207
          deity of, 60, 61
          indwelling of, 65, 125
          mission of, 62-66
          outpouring of, 61, 62, 65, 186, 221, 222
          personality of, 59, 60
          promise of, 61, 62
          role of, in the writing of Scripture, 7, 8
          vicar of Christ, 64
          writing God's law on the heart, 95
God, the Son, doctrinal statement on, 36-57
          activity in OT, 29, 30, 43, 72
          incarnation of, 24, 42-52
                    life of, 114
                    truly God, 43-45
                    truly man, 45-50
          offices of, prophet, priest, king, 52-56
          predictions about, fulfillments, 37-42
          ransom, 51, 112, 113
          resurrection of, 115
          sinbearer, 112
          sinlessness of, on earth, 38, 48, 49
          substitutionary death of, 38-41, 53, 113, 315, 327

Godhead, the doctrinal statement on, 16-26
          activities of, 20


Godhead (continued)
          attributes of, 19-21, 25
          existence of, 18, 19
          knowledge of, 17, 18
          love of, 23, 25
          names of, 19, 20
          relationships within, 22-25
          sovereignty of, 21, 22
          unity of, 22
          See also God
Gospel commission, 142, 187, 188, 342
Grace, through Christ, 95, 108-110, 113-116
          daily need of, 9
          saving, 108-110, 241, 242, 244, 258
          See also Covenant of grace
Great Controversy, doctrinal statement, 99-105
          significance of, 104
Guilt, 89, 111, 112, 120, 124 


Hades (grave), 352, 353, 359 n. 6, 369
(holies), 327 n. 1
Heaven, begins now, 381
          See also Earth, New
Hell, 369, 370
Hermeneutics, See Scriptures, Holy, interpretation of,
History, inspiration and, 9-11
Holy Spirit, See God, the Holy Spirit
Homosexuality, 303, 344


Image, of the beast, 167
          of God, 85-87, 295, 296
Immortality, God's gift, 350
          conditional, humans have, 86, 350
          receiving of, 351
Incest, 301


Jehovah, 20, 26 n. 3, 44
Jesus Christ, doctrinal statement on, 106-117
          Advocate, 63, 325, 327
          anointing of, 41, 186, 207
          authority of Scripture and, 12
          death, atoning, significance of, 110-113, 149
          death, sacrificial, 7, 107, 113, 202
          earthly ministry of, 40-42, 52, 54
          example, 60, 114
          focus of Scripture, 6, 7
          grace, revealed through, 108-110
          ground of acceptance with God, only, 131
          high priesthood of, 49, 53, 313-327
          humiliation of, 53, 55
          Intercessor, 53, 63, 320, 321
          Lamb of God, 39, 40, 53, 107-108
          life of, and salvation, 114
          love of, 198
          Mediator, 24, 25, 49, 52, 63, 94,
          pays penalty for sin, 38, 50
          provides reconciliation, 38, 110
          representative of humanity, 113, 114
          resurrection of, and salvation, 42, 115
          Rock, 135, 136, 345
          saving acts of, results from, 115-117
          Saviour, 38-42, 143, 153
          second Adam, 38, 46, 47, 50, 77, 92, 113
          two natures of, 42-52
          See also God, the Son
Judgment, final, 241, 317-319, 321, 322, 366, 372
          hour of God's, 162, 164, 327, 341
          investigative, 317, 320-322, 324-326, 329 ns. 29-30
          preparedness for, 327
          role of God the Father in, 29
          three phases of, 317


Justification, 95, 116, 119-123, 128-131, 159, 160, 168, 186, 257, 317


Kingdom, of glory, 55, 56, 337, 364, 367
          of grace, 54, 55, 189, 190 
(fellowship), 140


Law of God, curse of, 112
          existed before the Fall, 75
          unchangeable, 89
          undermining of, 102, 167
          vindicated by Christ, 116
          See also Commandments, the Ten
Legalism, 116, 139, 265 n. 22
Life, eternal, gift of, 124
          new, in Christ, 91, 124
          sacredness of, 75
Lord's Day, 254
Love and justice, 363
Lucifer, 87, 88, 100, 105 n. 1
          See also Satan


Man, nature of, doctrinal statement on, 78-96
          fall, effects on, 87-93
          image of God, made in, 85-87
          in new earth, 377-379
          origin of, by special creation, 80, 81
          unity of, body, soul, spirit, 81-85
Manual labor, 75
Mark, of the beast, 166-168
Marriage, and Family, doctrinal statement on, 294-309
          components of family, 303-308
                    children, 305-307
                    extended, 307, 308
                    parents, 303-305
          deviations from Biblical pattern, 300-303, 344
          effects of sin on, 299, 300, 344
          institution of marriage, 73, 74, 295-299
                    in new earth, 378, 379
                    monogamous, original plan, 300
                    unequally yoked, 298
Meat, See Flesh foods
Message, first angel's, 164, 165
          second angel's, 165, 166
          third angel's, 166-168
          See also Three angels' messages
Messiah, See Jesus Christ, or God the Son
Millennium, doctrinal statement on, 362-373
          events at the beginning of, 364-366
          events during the, 366, 367
          events at the end of, 367-373
Mission, motivation for, 116
Monogenes (only), 56 n. 7
Mother, 304, 305
Movies, television, videos, radio, 283, 284
Music, 284, 291 n. 17


Nephesh (being/soul), 81-83
New Jerusalem, 364-367, 376, 377
Nitsdaq (wide range of meanings), 329 n. 36


Obedience, 50, 63, 95, 234-239, 244-246, 288
          Christ and, 102, 114, 116, 121, 245, 246, 317
          love and, 101, 188, 245, 246
Offerings, and tithe, 271-274
          See also Stewardship
One thousand years, See Millennium


Papacy, 155-157, 168 n. 5, 343
Perfection, Biblical teaching on, 127-129
Pit, bottomless, 365, 366
Polygamy, 300
Pope, origin of title, 168 n. 4
Predestination, and human freedom,  21, 22
Presbuteros (elder), 146


          role of, 11
          about Christ, 37-40, 112
          cleansing of sanctuary, 319-324
          image of Dan. 2, 322, 337, 338
          little horn, (Dan. 7), 167, 240-260, (Dan. 8), 167, 321, 325
          70 weeks, 41, 42, 56 n. 1, 243, 323, 324
          time of the end, 163
          1260 days, 153, 156, 157, 160-163, 167, 221, 341, 343
          2300 days, 322-324
          type-antitype, 42, 53, 157
          comparative chart of, 347
Prophecy, gift of, doctrinal statement on, 216-229
          Bible times, 218, 219
          last days, 219-222
          post-biblical, will not supercede or add to canon, 222, 223
          role in SDA church, 224-228
          testing genuineness of, 223, 224
          See also Gifts, spiritual
Propitiation, 111, 112


Reading, 284
Reconciliation, 38, 66, 110-112, 115, 116, 122, 316, 317
Redemption, 39, 54, 76, 94, 108, 113, 119, 123, 129, 130, 335, 365
Reformation, Protestant, 156-161
          doctrinal issues with Roman Catholicism, 157-159
Regeneration, 129
Remnant, its mission, doctrinal statement on, 152-169
          characteristics of, 161-163, 221, 222
          defined, 161, 162
          emergence of, 163
          eras of apostasy and reformation precede, 154-161
          mission of, 161-168
          Repentance, 38, 39, 63, 89, 94, 95, 113, 114, 120, 121, 143, 185, 188, 199
Rest, blessing of, 282-284
          God rested, 69
Resurrection, Christ's, 115, 356, 357
          first, 338, 364, 365
          general, two separate events, 357, 358
          of condemnation, 367, 368
          See also Death and Resurrection, Millennium
Revelation, general, 5, 6
          method and content of, 9
          new, 141
          progressive, 14
          special, 6
Reward, value of belief in, 381, 382
          by faith, 165, 168, 186, 256, 257
          Christ's, 122, 139, 199, 326
          God's, 114
          human, 109, 114
          See also Salvation, experience of


Sabbath, seventh-day, doctrinal statement on, 248-266
          antidote for idolatry, 251
          change, attempts to, 258-263
          in New Earth, 380
          meaning of, 86, 255-258
          memorial of Creation, 74, 167
          observance of, 263, 264, 266 n. 50
                    legalism, charge of, 265 n. 22
                    from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, 263
          restoration of, 262, 263
          throughout Bible, 249-252
                    apostles, relationship to, 253
                    Christ, Creator and Lord of, 253
                    divine acts establish at Creation, 249, 250
                    seal of Ten Commandment law, 251, 252


Sabbaths, annual, 252, 254, 264 n. 11
Salvation, experience of, doctrinal statement on, 118-132
          baptism and, 182, 183
          by works, 158-160
          Christ's death and, 110-114
          Christ's life and, 114, 115
          Christ's resurrection and, 115
          Creation and, 76, 77
          focus on, 25
          future, 129-131
          gift of Christ, 51, 113, 114, 130, 131, 159
          past, 119-124
          present, 124-129
          prophetic dramatization of, 38, 39
          role of the Godhead in, 24, 25, 108
Sanctification, 119, 120, 123-129, 257, 289, 317
          influence of Holy Spirit in, 63, 65
Sanctuary, Christ's priesthood in, doctrinal statement on, 312-331
          diagram of, 317
          earthly, ministry in, 38, 39, 112, 314, 315
          heavenly, evidence for, 214, 313, 314, 327 ns. 1-4
          heavenly, Christ's ministry in, 314-319, 365, 366
          Hebrews, book of, on, 327, 328, ns. 1-4
          illustrates final judgment, 317-319
          priestly mediation, 315-317
          substitutionary sacrifice, 314, 315
          phases of ministry, two, 315, 316, 328 n. 9, 329 n. 35
          prophecy, relationship to, 319-325
                    anointing of, 319, 320
                    cleansing of, 317, 320-324, 330 n. 36
          significance of, within the great controversy, 325-327
Satan, during millennium, 365
          originator of sin, 87
          See also Lucifer
Scriptures, Holy, doctrinal statement on, 4-15
          accuracy of, 10, 11
          authority of, 11-14, 103, 227
          authorship of, 7
          canon closed, 222
          Holy Spirit's role in, 7, 12-14, 64
          infallibility, 4, 11, 159, 227
          inspiration of, 7-11
          interpretation of, 6, 13, 14 n. 5, 18, 103, 227
          Jesus, focus of, 6, 7, 103, 104
          tradition, and, 12, 159
          uniqueness, 5, 7, 9
          unity of, 14
Second Advent, See Coming, Second
Sin, author of, 87
          eradication of, 91, 380, 381
          nature and effects of, 88-91, 99
          origin of, human, 87-91, 99
Singles, 307
Sola Scriptura, 227, 261
Soul, Biblical meaning of, 81-85
Spices, 286, 292 ns. 28-29
Spirit, Biblical meaning of, 83-85
Spirit of Prophecy, See Prophecy, Gift of
Spiritual gifts, 65, 142
Spiritualism, 225, 353-355
Standards, Christian, principles of, 287-289
          See also, Behavior, Christian
Stewardship, doctrinal statement on, 268-276
          blessings of, 274-276
          Christ's example of, 274
          defined, 269-271
          environmental, 74, 75, 86, 274
          fiscal, 271-274
                   how to calculate tithe, 276 n. 7
          Israel's first and second tithes, 276 n. 8
Suffering explained, 105
Sunday, observance of, 258-262, 265 n. 28


Sunlight, blessing of, 281-289
Supper, Lord's, doctrinal statement on, 194-204
          differs from the mass, 158
          foot washing ordinance, precedes, 196-198
          frequency of, 204 n. 19
          meaning of, 199-202
          open to all Christians, 202, 203
          qualifications for participation in, 202, 203
          wine of, unfermented, 200, 204 n. 7 


Tea, 281, 290 n. 9
Television, 283, 284
Temperate, drug-free, stimulant-free, living, blessing of, 281, 282
Temptation, Christ's conflict with, 47-49, 51
Ten Commandments, See Commandments, the Ten
Testimony of Jesus, 162, 163, 221, 222, 228 n. 8, 229
          tests, of a claim to, 223, 224
Theater, 282
Theology, function of, 104
Thoughts, impure, 301
Thousand years, See Millennium
Three angels' messages, 162-168, 341, 342
          See also Message, first angel's, etc.
Tithe, and offerings, 271-274
          See also Stewardship
Tobacco, 282, 290 n. 10
Trinity, See Godhead


Unity, in the church, doctrinal statement on, 170-179
          achievement of, 175-179
          basis for, 176
          Bible teaching on, 172-174
          diversity in, 173, 174, 176, 212
          gifts, spiritual, promote, 176, 208, 209, 212
          Holy Spirit effects, 172, 173, 175
          importance of, 174, 175


Vegetarianism, 284, 285, 291 n. 20 


Watchfulness, 104, 345
Water, blessing of, 281
White, Ellen G., 224-228
          writings of, relationship to Bible, 227, 228
          See also Prophecy, gift of
Wine, in the Bible, discussion of, 290 n. 13
Works, See Faith, relation to
Worship, family, 304, 309 n. 18
          foundation of true, 73, 74
Wrath, God's, See God, wrath of 


Year-day principle, 41-42, 56 n. 2, 153, 154, 168 n. 2


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